Thursday, June 14, 2012

TCK = Eclectic

I've been listening to a lot of eclectic music on Pandora lately. I usually pick something that fits my mood for the day. Been listening to a lot of jazz and experimental/avant-garde and I happened upon a musician who's music is definitely unique. So, I looked him up and I found a quote by him that just struck a chord (no pun intended)!!

"I'm an additive person - the entire storehouse of my knowledge informs everything I do. People are so obsessed with the surface that they can't see the connections, but they are there." ~ John Zorn

Aren't we all like that, especially us TCKs??? We take from every place, every culture we've lived in and added bits and pieces to our storehouse which then informs and molds us into the people we are today.

We are all eclectic in one form or another, but much more so as a TCK. We've been immersed and pulled from many different cultures and just like the picture below, things that might not seem to mesh or belong together end up becoming a beautiful piece of artwork <3.

I'm going to start seeing myself as such. An eclectic, abstract piece of artwork :)

P.S. - even if you're not a huge jazz fan, you should totally check out Strunz & Farrah. Jorge Strunz grew up as a diplomat's kid and hails from Costa Rica. Ardeshir Farah is originally from Iran and the two met up and fused their native land's cultural musical styles together and they are AWESOME. Plus I like it because the two places I grew up were in the Middle East and Portugal (which has Latin roots) so it makes me feel nostalgic, too.

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