I had a discussion about this with my father one time. He says its my personality, but I think it has to do with the cultures I grew up in, too - probably emphasized what was already there. Both Bahrain and the Azores are cultures that view times as polychronic not monochronic. If you go here you can look at definitions for both and see which category you fall into. Also, if you go here you will be able to read a little bit more in depth about what the differences are between polychronic and monochronic type people.
Anywho, I definitely fall into the category of polychron but live in this American culture of: must be at "x" place on time, people will be mad at you if you don't follow through with plans made, get in and get out, get the job done and make sure the door is closed when you do it, etc! UGH!! I don't operate like that at all!!! If I see someone on the side of the road on my way to work, I want the opportunity to pull over and help them without being punished because I wasn't at work on time. I know there are things that I can learn from a monochronic personality...trust me, both my parents are and I'm married to one too! However, I think there is a lot you can learn from a polychronic personality as well.
I use to feel guilty for the way that I am. For canceling plans, for ALWAYS running late, for starting one project and then getting distracted, for the looks and the disappointments. But I'm here to say that I don't find TIME to be of utmost importance. I find PEOPLE to be the most important thing in my life! I hate feeling rushed anywhere. It causes anxiety and stress like going to see the queen or something! Oh got to get to the doctors appointment right away. To do what? Sit and wait?? It's all on their time anyway. I could have been watering plants or playing with my animals or talking to a friend while I sit in the waiting room twiddling my thumbs.
The nice thing about polychronic personalities - if you can get past the stress of always running late - is that you're introduced to opportunities and people you may not have had or met if you had been so focused on the time or job at hand.
A word of advice for monochrons. Yes, I know its a pain in the tooshie to have people cancel on you all the blessed time BUT if they end up doing something with you, that means they like you! If you're annoyed that they're always running late...the more important thing to look at is they actually showed up! If they didn't want to give you their time, they wouldn't have come at all! It's just twisting your perspective a little bit.
For now, though, I must deal with the White Rabbit Syndrome in a very monochronic culture.

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